Sunday Mornings
Sunday School @ 9:00am
Fellowship @ 10:00am
Worship @ 10:30am
Current Events
10:30am Sunday Worship
Scout Sunday (February 2 @ 10am)
The Carlisle Christian Church would like to welcome all scouts, friends, and family to fellowship with us at 10am before worship! Scout Sunday is a time to bring awareness to Scouting among congregations and highlight a Scout’s Duty to God. Scout Sunday is a time to meet and honor our Scouts for their volunteer activities of service in our community and our church. Scout sunday is the time to recognize Scout leaders for volunteering their time, in stewardship with God, to the next generation. We thank God for you!
Weekly Events
GriefShare (January 7 – April 2) @ St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church
Tuesdays: 6:30pm – 8:30pm & Wednesdays: 10:00am – 12:00pm
GriefShare is a special weekly grief recovery support group designed to help you rebuild your life. You’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and piece of mind.
Freedom For Youth (September – May)
Thursdays: 3:30pm – 6:00 pm: Church Basement Classrooms
Freedom for Youth Ministries empowers youth across Iowa, through the love of Jesus Christ, to break out of their current bondage, discover their God-given talents, and lead transformed lives. For more information, visit
The Carlisle Freedom Center, founded in 2017, offers the following programs at:
- Whiz Kidz (K-5th Grade) on Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 pm
- Discovery (middle school) on Thursdays from 4:00 – 6:00 pm
This is not a Carlisle Christian Church affiliated event. The church donates the space once a week for an after school program. The 4th Thursday of the month various members of the Congregation provide a meal to the children.
Freedom For Youth Supplies Needed
We are always in need of supplies such as tape, wood glue, watercolor paints, screwdrivers of all sizes, plastic storage containers (6”x6”x12”), small Ziploc baggies, Goldfish crackers, mini-marshmallows, candy corn, etc.
Volunteers are also needed to help with the program. If you’d like to donate or help volunteer, please call. Brenton Hanisch 605-595-8948
Worship at Carlisle Care Center Villa 695 Cole St #210, Carlisle, IA 50047
Sundays: 1:00pm
A number of local churches hold a weekly service on a rotating schedule for the Carlisle Care Center Villa. Our Carlisle Christian Church is proud to participate. Please attend and worship with us!
The Churches in Carlisle School District area in partnership through Christian Community in Action (CCA) are working together to support the increased need for food and personal care items. Families often have extra needs during times like these and food should not be one of those needs.
In addition to Carlisle School Food Pantry which is open on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 4:00-6:00 p.m., located at the east entrance of the elementary building, the following opportunities are available in our community:
CCA holds its regular Food Pantry at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1100 Market Street, Carlisle, Iowa from 4:00 – 5:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Middle River Friends Church has a Blessings Table where the community can donate or receive food and supplies. They are open Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at 4057 S23 Highway, Carlisle, Iowa or by appointment at 515-989-3319.
All locations are serving families and individuals living within the Carlisle School District including, Palmyra, Easter Lake, Avon Lake, Carlisle and Hartford (PEACH) communities.
CCA is currently accepting donations through your local church or at the Middle River Friends Church. We are in need of food, personal supplies, diapers, formula, cleaning supplies and financial support to purchase basic perishable foods as needed.
As a community let us all come together to support and care for one another. We encourage you to call your neighbor and just ask them how they are doing. Ask if they have any needs. It could change someone’s day even as you practice social distancing.
Naturally, we look forward to seeing everyone back out and about in our community, schools, work, and churches. The best way to get through this crisis is to stay connected. No one should have to do this alone. Nor should anyone go hungry. Together we can do this.
I Peter 4:8-10 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” NIV
Ann Leib Polito
Congregation Pot Luck
One Sunday a month members of our Congregation provide a home cooked meal after our Sunday Service. Dinner is held in our Reception Hall in the basement (handicap accessible).
Annual Events & Activities
Scout Sunday: First Sunday in February
Carlisle Christian church hosts Scout Troop 133 leaders and families on Scout Sunday. The Scouts present the American and Christian flags followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, the scout oath, and scout laws. The Scout Leader expressed their gratitude for our sponsoring Troop 133 and helping them purchase a new utility trailer and tents. He told about their camping trips and other projects of the year. Each of the six attending members in turn told what projects he was working on in order to earn the corresponding badges. Following worship service the scouts, leaders, and families joined the congregation for a luncheon. The Carlisle Christian Church has since been given a framed charter certificate from Boy Scouts of America for sponsoring Troop 133 since 1950.
Easter Celebration
Our Church holds an annual 24-hour prayer vigil starting Thursday ending on Good Friday. Someone is at the Church praying at all times. On Good Friday, the Carlisle Christian Church and other community Churches join together to spread the word of Jesus’s passing. The event alternates between church venues each year. On Easter Sunday, the Church Joins Hartford Community United Presbyterian Church for a sunrise service at 7 a.m. with breakfast following. Our regular service is also held at 10:30am.
Ice Cream Social: Third Wednesday in June, 6:00 pm at the church
This is an awesome event we hold as a fun way to bring our congregation and community together. We offer a potluck dinner, desserts (of course) plus a live local band! Come join the fun!
Independence Day fun on July 4th
We love to get involved with the glorious activities our city provides for our community! We kick off the fun by opening up to the public for water, restrooms and shade. We also sponsor the Boys Scouts Duck Pond at the North Park so please stop by with a park ticket, choose your duck and receive a gift.
Blessing Jars
We fill Blessing Jars September thru November as a fundraiser for the Congregation. Please pick up a jar in the sanctuary and fill it up as you can. The jars are collected on Thanksgiving Sunday or whenever you can bring it. Checks are made payable to CWF. Thanks for your support!
What is a Blessing Jar? Every time you see, feel or hear a blessing, whether big or small, a coin is placed in the jar. After time you realize all of the blessings life has to offer. Share your blessings!
“Count Your Blessings”
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged thinking all is lost. Count your many blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!
Canned Beef & Chicken
Our Christian Women’s Forum sells canned beef and chicken year round. Please call to reserve 515-989-0176. $8 a jar.
Community Thanksgiving Service: Sunday before the Thanksgiving holiday
The community Thanksgiving service is held each year. Five community churches (Methodist, Hartford Palmyra Middle River Friends, St. Elizabeth and us) participate. Funds collected during the service go to Christian Community Action (CCA). Come enjoy the special music and worship with the community!
Other Christian Community Action (CCA) Happenings:
In the name of Jesus Christ, Christian Community Action ministers to the poor by providing comprehensive services that alleviate suffering, bring hope and change lives. For more information visit
- Collections of backpacks, utensils and other necessary school items are collected at the beginning of the school year and are donated to children/families in need.
- A collection of food and other non-perishable items are collected during November and are donated to 3-4 families in need.
Please contact Kayla Price for more information relating to CCA activities.